
A message on my phone. I'm selected for Team NL and whether I want to participate in the World Championships Ultra Trail Running in Penyagolosa (Spain) this year. I'm honoured and thrilled. Of course I don't need to think about the answer..


Penyagolosa ultra trail

6 months later I find myself in Spain. Together with most of the best trail runners in the world. All runners stayed in the same hotel, plus some retired people who thought they had booked themselves a quiet holiday.. fail! The atmosphere was really great, the spirits of Team NL were high (we had SO MUCH FUN), the food was good, the weather great.. All set for a great adventure!

TeamNL 2018

I’ve had the pleasure to try out the Naked Running Band (NRB) from Naked Sports Innovations. To be honest, I was a bit sceptical when I first saw it. It’s a very thin piece of 4-way mesh fabric that’s promising not to bounce. Well… Let’s see I thought.


I’ve tried it on multiple training runs for a couple of months now, during the Trans Gran Canaria 125km, during the Circuit des Grands Crus 27k, and recently during my preparations for the World Championships Ultra Trail Running. I have to say, I really got to LOVE it!

Being able to go to Gran Canaria felt like a real treat, after having just survived the work craziness of January & February. Too little sleep, stomach issues, stress-related injuries in my legs, and (so it felt like) little focus on running had finished just in time before Gran Canaria. I was most of all sooo much looking forward to being out in the mountains and seeing some sun again. My goals for the race were to enjoy, to finish within 12 hours, and to enjoy some more.

The day before

I only arrived a day in advance, which turned out to be a day in which nothing went according to plan. The car I hired had lots of body damage and it took a while to leave the airport, then I couldn’t find the AirBNB I was staying at, then I needed to visit a supermarket, and I still needed to collect my race bib. I had emailed the organisers that I would be late, but I don’t think they expected me to turn up at 10.30pm. So when I arrived at race base (Expomeloneras) there was no-one there anymore! Oh oh, I already saw this all turn into one big disaster where I wouldn’t even be able to start the race.. But finally finally finally after about an hour of searching I got hold of the right person. Few! I was actually going to start! When I got home I still needed to pack my bag etc, so I don’t think I got more than half an hour sleep before having to wake up again to get the coach to the start. Oh well, I think I participated in rather more than fewer races that had a similar start with almost no sleep so I wasn’t too worried.


I still can’t really believe it. I managed to get myself selected for team NL for the IAU Trail World Championships in Portugal!!

I got injured 3 weeks before the selection race took place, so (trying to look at it from the bright side) I had a very long tapering period.. This wasn’t ideal, but yet I managed to finish this race as the first Dutch lady. This meant I was going to represent my country in Portugal! I hadn’t quite thought about what this would really mean, but one thing was for sure: it was time for a bit of training....

Continue reading here :)


Ik druk op de submit button, en onmiddelijk bekruipt me een onbehaaglijk gevoel. Onze inschrijving voor de Zugspitze Supertrail is definitief. Op 22 juni zullen we aan de start staan van een 68,8 km lange trailrun met 3100 hoogtemeters op de grens van Duitsland en Oostenrijk. Een rondje om de hoogste berg van Duitsland. Of we de eindstreep ook gaan halen is nog alles behalve zeker. Ik heb nog nooit zo ver gerend. Dat wordt dus trainen geblazen. We hebben nog 6 weken. We besluiten onze training te combineren met een rondje nationale parken van Engeland en Wales om wat hoogtemeters op te zoeken, want die Himalaya’s bij Cambridge hebben ons niet al te veel te bieden.

Trail running

We love ultra trail running. For us, it's the ultimate feeling of freedom. Running for hours and hours whilst discovering new areas. Stunning views. Pushing limits and still enjoying every step. This is trail running.

A random Trailrunning picture

  • 13 - Gedurende de eerste nacht komen we voor de eerste keer in het base-camp. Snel stoppen we ons vol met een instant warme maaltijd
  • Category: Czech Adventure Race 2013